Carole R Harris, Near Gallery Place, Washington, DC 2018 Taken by Carole R Harris

Podcasts, Videos, Audios, and Carole’s Other Recorded Media

The Moth Story Slam, The Miracle Theater, Washington, DC, March 1, 2018

On March 1, 2018, I had the opportunity to speak on The Miracle DC stage in Washington, DC. I went to a Moth Story Slam with the required subject ‘Manners.’ I slammed it!

Any person who wanted to speak put their names in the ‘hat.’ As I waited patiently, others were chosen from the names of the daring. They only gave time for 10 speakers. I stopped worrying about a third of the evening. My mental state and my heart were prepared either to be chosen or to have to sit and listen as the last speaker gave their story.

Alas, I was the last chosen! My husband was visibly worry for me. I ACED IT!! He was so proud.

Take a listen to the audio recording of my speech about ‘Manners.’ The Moth was kind enough to send me a copy! GREAT experience.

Life gave me a path, but my GPS keeps recalculating!